Thursday, June 21, 2012

You know you're pregnant when...

...You get mad at your husband at church because you're thirsty.
...You put clothes in the washer, wake up to put them in the dryer, then find the lid is open and they never washed.
...You pay bills with the wrong credit card/account...multiple times. Hello overdraft fees and silly pregnancy explanations.
...You forget where you're driving and end up somewhere unexpected.
...You need help rolling over in bed.
...You pour a bowl of cereal, get distracted, then find it sitting on the counter an hour later.
...You make phone calls but forget why you called.
...You forget to water the plants.
...You cry watching Sports Center, or because it's Dr. Seuss' birthday.

**All true.
Hello 6 months of pregnancy, let's wrap this up.

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