Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Park

On Saturday Julia and I made our first trip to the park. To our pleasure the park was completely empty so we had free reign of the place. Here are some of our favorite photos from her first visit:

 My favorite one (above).
 About 2.2 seconds later she started to cry. She did not like laying in the leaves.
 Contrary to popular belief, she is not sliding. She is sitting still here. I would obviously not let my baby go down a slide alone.

Her "sitting." She leans forward a lot, but we're still working on it :)

 Her first ride on a swing
All bundled up on our way home.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My glorious moment of mini-freedom

Julia is asleep. It's been 2 1/2 hours and I've been able to get a lot done. Mainly my paper that is due in the morning. If you ever get your baby to sleep for longer than 30 minutes, enjoy that time. It is rare in this house. I blogged for goodness sake! I even finished my paper and edited it...twice!

As a side note, we had to write from a feminist perspective, thus I discovered that from that point of view Star Wars is a failure.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Birthday weekend

These days everything exciting in my life includes my little Julia. This weekend for birthday weekend we stayed the night at my mom's house to have some adventures. Friday we went to Gardner's Village in West Jordan, made caramel corn, and stayed up late (late according to me is 10 pm) watching movies. Then today we made homemade apple sauce, pumpkin butter, and pumpkin muffins filled with cream cheese frosting. Yum. Here are our adventures:
 Saturday morning :) I LOVE these pajamas!
 Gardner's Village had a ton of witches everywhere, here are our favorites:
 Note the Jeff Gordon t-shirt. Awesome fire-witch
 Me and the baby
 Mom and the frog witch.
 I saved the best picture for last: The Batman shirts! Julia and Uncle Alex are too cute! If she wouldn't have spit up on hers we could have taken another picture of him holding her. Believe you me, it will happen.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Four Months old!

I can hardly stand the thought that my little girl is already four months old. And since I'm posting this a little late, she is technically four months and one week old. Our little girl now weighs 13 lbs 5.5 oz and is 23.5" long! Pretty much she has tripled in body weight since her birth and she has grown 6 inches. Currently she can hold her head up sans help and she is really starting to love tummy time. Our biggest new thing is that she has begun eating baby cereal. She is doing pretty good at eating from a spoon, but she gets distracted by the cereal bowls (they have flowers and butterflies on them). Dad and I decided to take her off of her medicines and to let her body regulate itself. This is a good thing :) This week at her 4-month check up the doctor was very impressed with her progress and told us that she had caught up developmentally, which is HUGE since she was premature. We are very excited about this. Our little Jules is all smiles and giggles and recently has begun, what we call, yelling talking. She's not crying or upset, she just yells when she "talks." She is also working on sitting up on her own, and though she has the strength, she doesn't quite have the coordination. She is all about her hands and playing with her monkey and rabbit toy things. She wants to suck on anything she can get her hands on! She also loves to hold her feet and roll from side to side.

I apologize in advance for the quality of the pictures. I just found my camera cord so in the future I shouldn't have to use my phone to take pictures anymore.
 Here's Jules in her Halloween shirt (more Halloween pics to come). It says "I'm batty for mommy"

 This was taken yesterday at Cabellas. My mom was talking to her and getting her to smile. She loves grandma!

 I consider this purple outfit her first big girl outfit! She is so stinkin' cute I can barely handle it!!

She LOVES her hands and is always sucking on her fingers or grabbing her feet!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Party foul

I just printed a yummy cinnamon roll recipe. It said one page would print.
There is a second piece of paper that printed with one line on it which is completely irrelevant to the recipe.
Stupid printer.