Wednesday, August 15, 2012

But mom...

Julia is such a big girl now. People ask how old she is, and even though technically she is 14 months, I still tell people she is a year old. I'm not into telling my people my kid is 19 1/2 months old...what does that even mean?!

Here is Julia at 14 months:

She can identify about 10 different body parts, properly.
When watching Bubble Guppies or Blues Clues (her favs) she dances and claps along.
She loves to feed herself, even when stuff doesn't make it to her mouth.
She can properly tell us a few sounds that animals make, like a sheep says "baa baa"
When we say "time for prayer" she folds her arms
During lunch/dinner when I blow on her food to cool it down, she blows, too.
Dad taught her to blow kisses.
Fruit is her favorite and is an easy sell.
She does not like carrots. No matter how they are served.
Her and Walter are buds and she "plays" with him, i.e. chases him around the house giggling.
She is a teething monster...we're waiting for her last two to break through (we can see them), but other than that she has her whole row of teeth on top and bottom (minus her big kid molars).
We are bottle and pacifier free!
When we give her milk, she knows that it is nap time and heads upstairs. Willingly.
She does all of the motions we've taught her to "Monkeys jumping on the bed" which is adorable.
She is getting infinitely better at telling us what she wants, either by mumbling something that sounds like the word or pointing. The other day she pointed to a tylenol measuring cup to let us know her teeth hurt.
I feel like she is growing like a weed because she is already fitting into some of her 18 months clothes and we just went up another shoe size.
She is our cute little mimic.
She is learning to help cleanup (so nice).
This girl is the happiest girl (99% of the time) and we love love love her!

1 comment:

Stephanie • My Orange Chair said...

Hey Rachel! Glad you commented on my post because I somehow hadn't added your blog to my google reader so it's been months since I last checked it.

JULIA! She is growing up so fast. What a beauty, and she seems to be ahead in many of her milestones. Cute girl!

And no, I have only seen the first four Harry Potter movies, so I'll wait until after I read the books to catch up on those too :)

Hope you are feeling okay with baby Jackson pregnancy!