Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy Birthday

My little man is 1! I can hardly believe it. I don't have his one-year stats yet, but if I had to guess I'd say he's just tall enough with just enough chunk. He said 'mama' a ton yesterday and it made my day--he's only said it once before. 'Dada' on the other hand...he has that one down. He is not walking yet, but did I mention he took his first step? Oh yeah, he did (on Tuesday). We had our family celebration on Tuesday since that was Brenan's day off, today we are just chillin' and he gets to open a toy. Tomorrow we are having a family party since Uncle John's bday was this week also. Then he can open the rest of his presents. And let's be real...he's one and doesn't know what presents are. This kid absolutely can turn a frown into a smile and is so adorable, I am constantly kissing his chubby cheeks. I am amazed every day at how magnificent he is (even if he doesn't sleep through the night) and everyday is a new adventure.

Did I mention I don't have a real camera so capturing my kids (or just getting them to sit still) feels impossible since I only have my phone...
And now that my baby is one, my womb feels really empty. 

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