Friday, September 11, 2009

The crazy life we live

Life has been crazy lately. First, Brenan and I both got jobs at Banana Republic Outlet! At first we were skeptical at working retail, but after hours of filling out applications, they hired us both on the spot. Cool. We actually like working there a lot more than we'd thought we would. The first week was crazy because of Labor Dabor, but we managed 8 days straight of work pretty well. Our managers (Jan, Jake, John, and Stacey) are all pretty cool. On nights that we close, we play trivia games with John over our headsets. Example: Lord of the Rings trivia, who said this line trivia, voice impersonations, etc... Also, the discount is FANTASTIC! 30% off full-price and sales, 10% off clearance (good at BR and Gap outlet). We get discounts at the regular retail places, including Old Navy, but we never go to the mall... So, this has been a hug plus in our lives. We like our jobs and we like money to pay our bills :)

Last Sunday we got called to be Primary teachers for CTR 6A (that's right, they have A/B classes because their primary is so HUGE). We're pretty psyched for this. Did I say psyched? I meant scared. But excited at the same time. I mean, they're only 6 year olds...right?

Now, here is my small tweek with life. First, I sell scrapbooking supplies. I must sell a certain amount to stay active in the business (required). The end of the month is my quarterly deadline, so I thought I should jump on the bandwagon. So, I spent 8 hours handmaking invitations to the ladies in our ward, handed them out, and put up a reminder on the RS blog. Did anyone come? NO. Not one person. However, my delivery of product for the open house was late, so maybe it was a blessing. It just sucked and was super frustrating to spend hours doing things to prepare and have no one show up. It's not even the sales requirement that scares me, it's just failure. But, we (and I say "we" because Brenan supports the cause) will not give up. I really think it would do great out here; I mean, it's Utah!! Doesn't everyone scrapbook?!

Last, we live with my parents. Before, it was no biggie because we had an entire basement to ourselves (2 bedroom, bathroom, living room, storage, personal entrance/exit). Now, we have a bedroom on the main floor and share the only bathroom on this floor with everyone. NO personal space. And, the insulation sucks so we can hear everything all the time! We love Walter, but it's hard to find cheap housing when you have pets. They want to charge you larger deposits and monthly pet fees. Give a man a chance!

The Lord has watched over us and blessed us and has treated us well, so I shouldn't have anything to complain about. I just have to keep telling myself that things have been looking up, and everything else is just a learning experience.

We need a vacation. Or even a staycation. Something.

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

Aw thats so fun you guys work together!
& When did you move to Utah?

I'd buy scrapbook stuff from you if I were close (you can never have too much paper!)

& wow that sucks with the living situation.
B's parents wanted us to live with them & I was like nooooo way!
& I want a dog sooo bad. & it seems like everyone has a cute little dog where we live & it makes me so jealous! But we can't have one since we are going back to rexburg.

& Primary is awesome. We taught the 4 & 5 year olds last year when we were up here in canada & it was the thing I looked forward to most each week!
If you bring a craft & treat they will love you!