Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 1/2 months -- week 26

I secretly wear clothes that make me look more pregnant than I am so that I actually look pregnant. Sad, I know, but I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant and just look chubby. I really want the cute round baby belly. According to the books I'm behind in weight gain and my uterus is definitely not the size of a soccer ball. My doctor laughed when I told her I wanted a belly and she said she'd remember that when I am 36 weeks. I've only gained 10 lbs. And I promise I'm eating enough. Plus I'm not super active. I do wii fit and dance to Michael Jackson The Experience, so that counts for something, right? I'm inpatient and want my baby now. Or, at least, a cute, round, baby belly. Finally, here is an up-to-date picture. And yes, I'm showing. The past two weeks my belly has finally "popped" out. I wrote the beginning of this post like 2 weeks ago...It really did take me that long to take a picture to post.

And yes, it's a little fuzzy. Sorry. Next time I'll get someone to take the picture for me.

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