Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Here is my to-do list for the next week and a half:
  1. Clean, organize, and pack our stuff. This could be a full-time job.
  2. Move our stuff. Being 6 months pregnant I am virtually useless at this.
  3. Research and write a 10 pg paper. As a history student I am dismayed that I still have yet to track down any primary sources. This is not good.
  4. Make a presentation of said paper.
  5. Research and write a source analysis for Roman History. Not as easy as it sounds, though only 3 pages required.
  6. Sell and deliver the other 5 puppies. One has already found a new home!
  7. Unpack.
  8. Study for 2 finals, each of which are 100% essay and will take over 2 hours each. Did I mention that one is scheduled from 8-10 PM on SATURDAY NIGHT! Suck. Suck suck suck.
  9. Work. Like there's even time for that. Really, there isn't.

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