Friday, June 28, 2013

Why I'll have as many kids as I want

I was recently disturbed by an ad that I heard on the radio; they said "whether your family is just you, you and your spouse, or just two kids, it's okay to have a small family." I'm not disagreeing that it's okay to have a small family, I'm disagreeing that it is the right thing to do or that it is the only socially/economically/ecologically acceptable thing to do. I ventured to their website to see what the flip they were talking about and to be honest I don't think that the g o v e r n m e n t (or state coalition) should tell me how many kids I should/shouldn't have OR reward people with the offer of free diapers to visit and support their site (since I want to have more than 2 kids, do I not get the chance for free diapers???). Their entire website is dedicated to showing why small families are best and why it is the financially/emotionally/ecologically smart thing to do (last time I checked we don't live in CHINA). Now, I want to be somewhat level headed here and say that I see the other side. Utah families, generally, tend to have more than two kids...but not all. Maybe the small families feel prejudiced against or uncomfortable explaining their "small" family situation and perhaps that is what this site is intending to do- offer support to those who are in a small family. Their is nothing wrong with having a small family, let that be said and if people really need help understanding how to have a small family, then great.

Aren't you glad I saw it from the other side? Here is my side. How many children I have is up to me, my husband, and The Lord. We prayed about when to start our family. We prayed about waiting or not waiting. I perfectly understand that some families cannot have children and my heart goes out to them. I completely understand that some families can't afford to adopt and I sympathize. But I don't need coalitions blasting the radio with ads telling me it's "okay" to have a small family (as if it is the right or only thing to do). So if I have to more kids, is it not okay anymore? What about support for people who want to have a larger (2+ kids) family? I'm not a leech that wants welfare because I have "too many" children, so what are my options and where is my support? Everyone should be smart about starting a family and taking into consideration all the financial/emotional/time management aspects. If I have four children does that mean that I can't give each one the time they need to feel loved? According to them my kids won't feel loved enough if I have more than 1-2 kids. They won't get the attention they need or deserve. And also, don't dissuade me to have less kids because it's "bad" for the environment and our green footprint (or whatever). That is the dumbest reason I've ever heard about why I should have a small family. They try throughout their site to say that they're, "not trying to tell you that small is the only way to go." Laughable. Let me just say this, I am from a kind-of large family and looking back I don't feel like I didn't get enough attention growing up or that my parents loved me less because they had "too many" kids. I didn't turn out to be some menace to society and that's because I have good parents and was raised in a good home with good values. Shouldn't that be the focus for families, regardless of size?

All I can say is that it's a bunch of garbage to dissuade people from having more than two kids, or any kids at all because it is irresponsible or not okay by society. Whether you have none or nineteen, it's your choice and the stupid coalitions should stay out of it. Raise your children, however many you do/don't have, to be good members of society.

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