Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday?

My birthday this year snuck up on me. I didn't really have time to prepare. Even birthday week was...lacking, to say the least. Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday- work. WORK ON MY BIRTHDAY! Ugh. Friday night, for my birthday, I wanted to play Nintendo, original Nintendo. Brought it home, went to set it up and...NO POWER CORD! My hopes and dreams were squashed. Brenan is sick, so I didn't work with him today (and if he would have been there, the day really would have been about 100x better than it was). To make work worse, people (customers) as a whole were kind of rude/snooty to me all day.  So, later I went and bought myself lunch (alone) and as I was walking back to work, the bag broke and it all fell on the pavement (while splattering sauce all over my shoes and pants)! Grrr... I need to preface my next story: at Banana Republic, we ask every customer if they want to sign up for a Banana Republic credit card. Every day/week/month we have goals we need to meet for signing people up. If you don't sign anyone up, you get put on a "naughty list". So, needless to say, I ask everyone even though it puts me out of my comfort zone. Sometimes we get rewards from our managers or our district people for signing people up.
Today, as I was ringing someone up (like, I was about to ask them if they wanted a card since they were spending so much) my manager came over and asked my customer if they wanted to sign up for a card. They said yes, and she took the credit!!! IT WAS MY CUSTOMER!! It should have been my card! The nerve.
No one at work even knew it was my birthday until I said something near the end of my shift. In their defense, one of my managers did go buy me a frozen yogurt and made me a card before I left. 15 minutes before I left. And Brenan did clean up the house while he was home and made me dinner. Now we're watching TBS, "very funny". That is my birthday celebration. TBS.

No cake, no ice cream, happy birthday.


Mikaela said...

I am so sorry Rachel!
That is an awful story!
If I were close I would do something for you...but alas I am imprisoned in Canada.
I HATE retail.
Actually I hate any customer service job.
People can be so rude.
I'm sorry your bday sucked.
Bdays aren't as fun once you get over about 16.
At least you have a husband right?
Imagine if you didn't have a sweet hubby to come home to?
I have to keep reminding myself that.
I hope things get better!

Emily Claire said...

Oh Rachel!! I will make you a cake, and we will have a party, just for you... When are you coming to Provo... Seriously.

RCole said...

Mikaela: My hubby was sweet and cleaned the house for me :) We also went to Sunday Brunch at a resort nearby, which was pretty sweet.

Emily: I will come down soon! I want to go shopping and see you girls again, too!