Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not a typical Tuesday

Tuesday, a day off :)

Tuesday also became laundry day, bear stew day, pilates day, Law & Order day, 19 Kids & Counting, oh- and Walter humping my leg. Yes, you read right, humping!

Last night Brenan asked for bear stew. Rewind: Quinn (our little bro) shot a bear a couple of weeks ago, and while the fam was visiting in SLC, they gave us some bear and elk. WARNING if you under cook bear, you will die. No joke. So, I made bear stew just as you would make beef
stew. It turned out good, and I would describe bear as lobstery beef, meaning it's the difference in texture between crab and lobster. It tastes like beef but is squishier.

Pilates, just like any other day. I usually do it while Brenan is in the shower so that he doesn't watch me/ make fun of me. Yesterday, things went over well; no incidents with Walt. Now, if you know about pilates, it's rather stationary in terms of your entire body, and you move one body part at a time, i.e. leg, back, etc... So, I'm doing scissor kicks and Walter keeps running after my leg, like it's a game. I thought he was just chasing my leg. Brenan walks out and is laughing because he got stuck on my leg as my leg went back and forth and kept tumbling over. Then Brenan gasped. I looked and there was Walt
humping my leg. It came from nowhere! What is my puppy learning? It was an accident. I hope.

He may think he's king of the hill, but he's just so cute that it's hard to get mad at him.

On a side note, Paula Deen's cinnamon rolls are awesome and were great for conference weekend!

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

haha! Omg that is so funny.