Sunday, November 15, 2009


Primary is such a fun calling. Brenan and I teach the CTR 6 class (5&6 year olds). This is what our lesson went like today...

Rachel: Who memorized the first article of faith?
K: I went to a party last week, and it was a pirate party and there were really hard games and this gun game that shot kind of like soft bullets and I got like 1000 tickets.
Rachel: Anyone else?
S: We believe, that's all I know.
Rachel: Good start bud. Anyone else?
J: We believe in God The Eternal Father, and in Jerusalem.
Rachel: Jerusalem? Good start, you're really close. Maybe next week.
Brenan: What is fasting?
J: I finally learned how to jump on  pogo stick. It's really easy now.
Brenan: What does a pogo stick have to do with fasting?
S: Don't eat a pogo stick!
K: I'm really excited for Christmas.
Rachel: Me, too. Ok, what can we fast for?
S: Next time I fast, I'm fasting for a lot of Christmas presents.
K: It's almost Thanksgiving, then Christmas will be here!
S: I wake up before my parents and find all of my presents and unwrap them, then I wrap them up again so they can't tell. Then I know all of my presents.

J: ..."and we pray that we'll get lots of Christmas presents and drive home safely. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."


Mikaela said...

Aw I miss teaching primary!

Amber said...

Sounds EXACTLY like my lesson in Young Womens.... no, I'm not kidding.

Emily Claire said...

My roommate and I were watching a show and the girl prayed and said 'thank you for my outfit'
She was definitely a married lady in her 20s... I miss having a primary in my ward!