Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good ol' George W.

There is something about George W. Bush that I find endearing. All politics aside, completely, I think he is the kind of guy you could just go up and hug. He very much reminds me of the BFG (Big Friendly Giant). If you haven't read this book by Roald Dahl, do it. Do it now.

Somehow, I also fell in love with George W. through Will Ferrell's impressions. Classic. If you haven't seen him, youtube it. You will die it is so funny.

This was all brought on while I was searching for Glee on Hulu and ran across the President on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I watched the interview with him, and I tell you what, he knows how to be a joker. He was totally hilarious the entire time and I salute him for being a champ about being made fun of to his face. I feel like the citizens of the US don't know enough about who George W. really is and that they hold a bias based only on his presidency. I think he's super cool. If you haven't seen the Jay Leno show with the President, check it out. It's highly entertaining. Fast forward to the middle (abt 20 min.) to see the segment with the President.

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