Monday, December 6, 2010

Selling Secrets

Alright everyone, here it is, the launch of my new segment Selling Secrets. Lately I've (and by "I" I really mean that people have been giving me great advice lately) come up with all of these great "secrets" that have come incredibly handy and I thought I should share. To me Selling Secrets sounds catchy, even though technically I'm not selling anything. So buckle up because here we go!

Selling Secrets volume 1

Brenan and I have a very interesting living arrangement. Our sofa was too big to fit into our "office" (which has really become a storage room/ pre-nursery area) for an office/living room area. Since it doesn't fit we had to move our TV elsewhere. This is a slight debacle when you consider the size of our room. Our 4-poster bed is in the middle of the room, nightstands on each side, with a dresser in one corner and a book shelf in the other. To top it all off  we have a large dresser at the end of our bed, giving us only about 3 1/2 feet clearance to the wall. We're crammed. So naturally, the TV went on the end of the bed on top of the huge dresser, with the Playstation and cable box. Super crammed. One night, out of no genius to me, we had a candle lit at the end of the bed as well (yes, though Brenan won't admit it, we both LOVE Bath & Body Works candles). As Brenan rounded the corner to the small little walk way, he bumped the TV which then bumped the candle and it did a flip onto our bed. Luckily it didn't catch fire, but it did leave wax all over my new coverlet. The thing about these candles is that they have a lot more scented oil in the wax than most candles, so naturally, it is a lot harder to peel off because the wax becomes mushy instead of waxy hard. After hours, yes hours, of scraping waxy gunk off of my new blanket with a spoon (suggested by a Google search) I was ready to wash it. 

Here's the secret:
When trying to get wax out of fabric wash it with a can of Coke and powdered Tide. 
Don't want to buy a full box of powdered Tide? Go to your local laundromat and buy a single serve box for $1.

Who knew.

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